Udruženje Romkinja - Osvit


Udruženje Romkinja Osvit (Osvit) je regionalna ženska organizacija civilnog društva koja doprinosi ostvarivanju rodne ravnopravnosti, izgradnji društva bez diskriminacije i sa jednakim pristupom javnim uslugama. Osvit osnažuje žene sa iskustvom nasilјa, a posebno Romkinje, za izlazak iz kruga nasilјa. Osvit radi sa nadležnim institucijama i donosiocima odluka na izradi i primeni nacionalnih i lokalnih politika za suzbijanje i sprečavanje nasilјa prema ženama. Osvit pruža uslugu SOS telefona na romskom i srpskom jeziku. Osvit neguje, jača i širi Romsku kulturu i tako doprinosi razumevanju među zajednicama i kulturi nediskriminacije.

Ko može da se obrati: 

Žene, bez obzira starost, lična svojstva i druge karakteristike
Žrtve nasilja u porodici
Žrtve seksualnog nasilja
Žrtve proganjanja
Žrtve vršnjačkog nasilja

Šta nude: 

Emocionalna podrška i savetovanje (osnaživanje, razumevanje, poverenje)
Psihološka podrška (psihološko savetovanje) i psihoterapija
- koje se odnose na prava žrtava i način njihove realizacije
- vezane za učešće u krivičnom ili drugom sudskom postupku
- u vezi sa praktičnim pitanjima koja proističu iz krivičnog dela
- u vezi sa rizikom i prevencijom sekundarne i ponovljene viktimizacije
- o drugim relevantnim specijalizovanim službama
Pravni saveti
Pisanje podnesaka
Zastupanje na sudu
Odlazak sa žrtvom na sud i podrška na sudu
Pomoć u kontaktu sa drugim institucijama
Upućivanje na druge relevantne specijalizovane službe
Praktična pomoć (npr. popunjavanje obrazaca, pozivanje osiguravajućih društava)
Procena rizika za žrtvu

Na koji način: 

Neposrednim kontaktom i razgovorom
Putem pisama
Putem e-maila
Preko internet stranice organizacije
Putem socijalnih mreža

Vinaverova 46,
18000 Niš
dvojezični telefon (srpski i romski)
018 515 318
0800 100 909
anaosvit [at] gmail.com
Radno vreme: 
Radnim danima i vikendom 24 časa
/** * @file * This file contains the main theme functions hooks and overrides. */ /** * Override or insert variables into the maintenance page template. */ function adminimal_preprocess_maintenance_page(&$vars) { // While markup for normal pages is split into page.tpl.php and html.tpl.php, // the markup for the maintenance page is all in the single // maintenance-page.tpl.php template. So, to have what's done in // adminimal_preprocess_html() also happen on the maintenance page, it has to be // called here. adminimal_preprocess_html($vars); } /** * Override or insert variables into the html template. */ function adminimal_preprocess_html(&$vars) { // watchdog('Emergency', 'This is a test emergency watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_EMERGENCY); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Debug', 'This is a test debug watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_DEBUG); // watchdog('Notice', 'This is a test notice watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_NOTICE); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Warning', 'This is a test warning watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_WARNING); // watchdog('Debug', 'This is a test debug watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_DEBUG); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Error', 'This is a test error watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_ERROR); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Notice', 'This is a test notice watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_NOTICE); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Debug', 'This is a test debug watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_DEBUG); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Notice', 'This is a test notice watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_NOTICE); // watchdog('Critical', 'This is a test critical watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_CRITICAL); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Alert', 'This is a test alert watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_ALERT); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Debug', 'This is a test debug watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_DEBUG); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // watchdog('Notice', 'This is a test notice watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_NOTICE); // watchdog('Debug', 'This is a test debug watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_DEBUG); // watchdog('Info', 'This is a test info watchdog mesage' , NULL , WATCHDOG_INFO); // Get adminimal folder path. $adminimal_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'adminimal'); // Add default styles. drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/reset.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'media' => 'all', 'weight' => -999)); drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/style.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'media' => 'all', 'weight' => 1)); // Add conditional CSS for IE8 and below. drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/ie.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'browsers' => array('IE' => 'lte IE 8', '!IE' => FALSE), 'weight' => 999, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); // Add conditional CSS for IE7 and below. drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/ie7.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'browsers' => array('IE' => 'lte IE 7', '!IE' => FALSE), 'weight' => 999, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); // Add conditional CSS for IE6. drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/ie6.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'browsers' => array('IE' => 'lte IE 6', '!IE' => FALSE), 'weight' => 999, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); //Add Homebox module support if (module_exists('homebox')) { drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/homebox_custom.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'media' => 'all', 'weight' => 1)); } // Add theme name to body class. $vars['classes_array'][] = 'adminimal-theme'; // Style checkbox and radio buttons in Webkit Browsers. if (theme_get_setting('style_checkboxes')) { $vars['classes_array'][] = 'style-checkboxes'; } // Disable rounded buttons setting. if (!theme_get_setting('rounded_buttons')) { $vars['classes_array'][] = 'no-rounded-buttons'; } // Enable sticky action buttons. if (theme_get_setting('sticky_actions')) { $vars['classes_array'][] = 'sticky-actions'; } // Add icons to the admin configuration page. if (theme_get_setting('display_icons_config')) { drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/icons-config.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 10, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); } // Add icons to the admin configuration page. if (theme_get_setting('avoid_custom_font')) { drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/avoid_custom_font.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 9000, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); } // Load CKEditor styles if enabled in settings. if (theme_get_setting('adminimal_ckeditor') and theme_get_setting('adminimal_theme_skin') != 'dark') { drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/ckeditor-adminimal.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'media' => 'all', 'weight' => 2)); } // Define Default media queries. $media_query_mobile = 'only screen and (max-width: 480px)'; $media_query_tablet = 'only screen and (min-width : 481px) and (max-width : 1024px)'; // Get custom media queries if set. if (theme_get_setting('use_custom_media_queries')) { $media_query_mobile = theme_get_setting('media_query_mobile'); $media_query_tablet = theme_get_setting('media_query_tablet'); } // Use Bootstrap Gids. if (theme_get_setting('use_bootstrap_grids')) { drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/bootstrap-grids.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 1000, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); } // Load custom Adminimal skin. $adminimal_skin = theme_get_setting('adminimal_theme_skin'); if ((!is_null($adminimal_skin))) { drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/skins/' . $adminimal_skin . '/' . $adminimal_skin . '.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 900, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); // Add conditional CSS for Mac OS X. drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/skins/' . $adminimal_skin . '/mac_os_x.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 950, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); drupal_add_js($adminimal_path . '/skins/' . $adminimal_skin . '/' . $adminimal_skin . '.js'); $vars['classes_array'][] = 'adminimal-skin-' . $adminimal_skin ; } else { drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/skins/default/default.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 900, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); // Add conditional CSS for Mac OS X. drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/skins/default/mac_os_x.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 950, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); drupal_add_js($adminimal_path . '/skins/default/default.js'); $vars['classes_array'][] = 'adminimal-skin-default' ; } // Add responsive styles. drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/mobile.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'media' => $media_query_mobile, 'weight' => 1000)); drupal_add_css($adminimal_path . '/css/tablet.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'media' => $media_query_tablet, 'weight' => 1000)); // Add custom CSS. $custom_css_path = 'public://adminimal-custom.css'; if (theme_get_setting('custom_css') && file_exists($custom_css_path)) { drupal_add_css($custom_css_path, array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 9999, 'preprocess' => TRUE)); } // Fix the viewport and zooming in mobile devices. $viewport = array( '#tag' => 'meta', '#attributes' => array( 'name' => 'viewport', 'content' => 'width=device-width, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1', ), ); drupal_add_html_head($viewport, 'viewport'); // Remove the no-sidebars class which is always added by core. Core assumes // the sidebar regions are called sidebar_first and sidebar_second, which // is not the case in this theme. $key = array_search('no-sidebars', $vars['classes_array']); if ($key !== FALSE) { unset($vars['classes_array'][$key]); } // Add information about the number of sidebars. if (!empty($vars['page']['sidebar_left']) && !empty($vars['page']['sidebar_right'])) { $vars['classes_array'][] = 'two-sidebars'; } elseif (!empty($vars['page']['sidebar_left'])) { $vars['classes_array'][] = 'one-sidebar sidebar-left'; } elseif (!empty($vars['page']['sidebar_right'])) { $vars['classes_array'][] = 'one-sidebar sidebar-right'; } else { $vars['classes_array'][] = 'no-sidebars'; } } /** * Override or insert variables into the page template. */ function adminimal_preprocess_page(&$vars) { $vars['primary_local_tasks'] = $vars['tabs']; unset($vars['primary_local_tasks']['#secondary']); $vars['secondary_local_tasks'] = array( '#theme' => 'menu_local_tasks', '#secondary' => $vars['tabs']['#secondary'], ); unset($vars['page']['hidden']); } /** * Display the list of available node types for node creation. */ function adminimal_node_add_list($variables) { $content = $variables['content']; $output = ''; if ($content) { $output = ''; } else { $output = '

' . t('You have not created any content types yet. Go to the content type creation page to add a new content type.', array('@create-content' => url('admin/structure/types/add'))) . '

'; } return $output; } /** * Implements theme_adminimal_block_content(). * * Use unordered list markup in both compact and extended mode. */ function adminimal_adminimal_block_content($variables) { $content = $variables['content']; $output = ''; if (!empty($content)) { $output = system_adminimal_compact_mode() ? '